On April 19, 1969, Cornell students made history when they occupied Willard Straight Hall after a year long struggle for a more inclusive and diverse University. 33 hours later their courageous stance led to the establishment of the Africana Studies and Research Center-- an internationally acclaimed institution that has been a leader in the field of Africana Studies ever since.

42 years later, the struggle continues...


On Tuesday April 19, 2011 the SAC-Action Committee screened a rough cut of "A Luta Continua" during the Willard Straight Take-Over Commemoration to look at how far we have come in the Struggle to Save Africana!  Please check out the final version below, and please share widely.  It's TIME TO GO VIRAL folks!

On December 1, 2010, members of the ASRC were informed that their Center would be permanently reorganized to fit within the College of Arts and Sciences.  That afternoon, faculty and students organized a Press Conference to discuss the manner in which they were approached by university administrators.  See the Press Conference in its entirety on the SaveAfricanaTV YouTube site!